The beginning of Gojek in the air : Diagram
The beginning of Gojek in the air : Diagram

The beginning of Gojek in the air : Diagram

Gojek call center becomes the solution and the key to its great success

Gojek’s call center has a role to play in terms of the rapid advancement of one of the growing companies in this digital era. An era that is increasingly advanced and evolving leads to the modernity and sophistication of all technologies in the world as one of the factors that many start-ups are able to grow rapidly.

Armed with facilitation for consumers and the wider community in terms of service providers or delivery services in terms of transportation, Go-Jek is growing very rapidly and even the problem is that its shares will be listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. Its implementation will be broader in terms of raising capital by investors.

With a call center, gojek also makes it easier for its users to enjoy and file company complaints when they get a problem that suddenly hits them. Indeed, there are many problems that affect consumers and users of Go-Jek services, but so far the company has managed to overcome these problems well.

So that the wider community as users of this application increasingly trusts and fully trusts this company. While there are currently many emerging companies trying to shake up Go-Jek’s position as one of the leading and best-selling companies in the field, it still seems to have no effect. The proof is that so far its popularity still remains at its peak.

Gojek call centers are sometimes the busiest part due to the many off-road problems faced by customers and drivers themselves. So, the shift in this section must always be active and fulfilled. The employees of this call center department must always be focused and responsive when calling the call center occurs, especially from customers and users of this application.

The beginning of Gojek in the air

Go-jek is currently a trend for the wider community on various fronts. Everything is digital, which makes it more pleasing to the public eye. In fact, the beginning of the founding of this company was the result of the founder’s anxiety when he saw how the phenomenon of basic motorcycle taxis mixes for passengers with a long wait.

Instead of spending too long waiting for passengers every day, the founder of the company  eventually decided to create a business entity called Go-Jek through the gojek call center service. Initially, in 2010, it consisted of only 20 drivers. Along with the development of time, in a very short period of 4 years, it was advanced.

This progress is due to the fact that founder Nadiem Makarim had a very smart breakthrough in 2014 with the innovation of an Android-based application. So, with the app, users easily order motorcycle taxis to deliver them to certain destinations. This was the beginning of the explosion of the name Go-Jek.

Then the Gojek call center service is  also increasingly capable of being an integrated complaint center. Any problems that app users encounter, the company responds quickly. This was given to Go-Jek to anticipate bad things that would happen to its customers. There are two customers, drivers and users of delivery services.

Gojek’s business expansion you need to know

Although at the beginning of his founding in Indonesia, this did not only force him to make his big name in the country. The owner is also looking at the market share in Southeast Asia. There are three other ASEAN countries in which Go-Jek participates. Because this is done in such a way that it is easier for the wider community to get traffic to change cities.

The first ASEAN country outside Indonesia is Vietnam. But in Vietnam, the name is not Go-Jek, but Go-Viet. It also corresponds to the name of the country. Go-Viet was finally able to stand up and launch its services in 2018. Despite the pros and cons, the development of the company in Vietnam is very fast, and Gojek’s call center is also improving.

Then, in the same year, Go-Jek also expanded his business to Thailand under the name GET. In Thailand, which is very densely populated, especially for tourist activities, the GET is growing very rapidly. On the other hand, it is also able to provide jobs to the wider community, which is one of the solutions to reduce unemployment.

Gojek’s call center was busy with his duties again when Go-Jek managed to get to Singapore. It was noted that in 2019 they successfully operated throughout Singapore. With a very good market share, which makes the business of this company more advanced and able to generate extraordinary profits. To make investors more excited about investing.

Investment growers in Gojek

After the beginning of its creation, which reaps the pros and cons, this company finally managed to attract the attention of other companies and large parties to be willing to invest. From 2015 until now, it has been seen that there are many parties from individuals and large companies that want to invest in Gojek.

The first is NSI Ventures and Sequola Capital, as well as DST Global in 2015, which put their capital into Gojek. So when there was a boom in 2014 in connection with this Gojek call center app, these companies hit the gas as quickly as possible to invest in this company to also make a profit.

Then many other companies were jealous and forced him not to lose his investment in Gojek. These companies such as KKR, Warburg Pincus, Capital Group and most recently Farallon Capital invested in Gojek in 2016. They see the potential of this company very well in the future.

The last thing that makes gojek call center employees and  all internal parties excited about providing the best service is putting in big investments from Google, Astra International and Djarum in 2018. Even Facebook and PayPalalso do not want tobe overtaken in large investments in this company.

 Benefits of using the Gojek app

A good system is one of the things that makes users of this app feel safe if something unexpected happens. Because its availability for 24 hours continuously causes its users not to feel concerned at all.   Even if there is a problem or problem at midnight, the service is still active.

Because the services of the Gojek call center  make it the dream of people or the wider community, especially stopovers. The ease of ordering various things makes us come directly to the place to buy something. Simply order via the gadget, then everything will be available in front of you.

Not to mention if there are attractive promotions regarding some discounts. It allows its users to reduce their costs. For example, free shipping and discounted food prices. The offer was made because it is one of the marketing strategies when navigating the competition in the digital world. It is legitimate to do so in order to attract the attention of consumers.

The world is becoming more and more advanced, thanks to which people also prefer things that smell practical, but do not cost money and excess energy. Use existing apps wisely without harming any party. Gojek’s call center is always there for  you  when you get into trouble at any time.

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